There are many ways you can help address climate change and move our nation toward a clean energy economy. Below are just a few.

Everyone who would like to be engaged in EESI’s work is encouraged to serve as a social media ambassador, sharing EESI educational resources and newsletters with their networks, and liking our posts on LinkedIn, Instagram, Bluesky, Facebook, and Threads.

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Learn more about climate issues


Learn more about climate issues by watching our briefings, reading our articles and white papers, and subscribing to (and reviewing) our podcast, The Climate Conversation.

Subscribe to our free electronic newsletters, Climate Change Solutions (every two weeks) and EESI Impact (every two months).


Spread the word


Spread the word by amplifying our posts on social media and forwarding our newsletters, Climate Change Solutions and EESI Impact, to your friends, family, and colleagues.


Make a Personal Commitment


Reduce your environmental impact by making commitments to drive less, reuse products and recycle, compost food waste, conserve water, and install energy efficient lighting and appliances.

EESI does not have a volunteer program. College students may apply to our paid internships.


Intern at EESI


Join the EESI team as a student intern, or encourage college students in your family or professional network to apply.


Write a Review of EESI


Write a review of EESI at to help spread the word about our work to advance climate change solutions.

Donate to EESI

Donate to EESI


Make a tax-deductible donation to EESI to help advance climate change solutions.