The Environmental and Energy Study Institute (EESI) joins hundreds of other organizations in categorically condemning yesterday's attack on Congress and calling for a return to political civility.

"The footage of the lawless mob at the Capitol was nauseating," said EESI Executive Director Daniel Bresette. "The whole situation is immensely distressing. But the attack on Congress was not spontaneous; it was a culmination of events. Our political leaders must stop emboldening extremists by spreading conspiracy theories, lies, and disinformation. Our leaders must stop accentuating our differences and find ways to return civility to our politics. We will fail the tests of our biggest challenges—climate change, the pandemic, racial injustice—if we continue down this road of ignorance, division, and distrust. We need to take stock of what led us to yesterday’s chaos and tragedy and do everything we can to ensure it never happens again. America is better than this. We have to be."