Rural Broadband may not seem like a climate issue, but as more and more devices are connected to the internet, from smart thermostats to water heaters, that need to be balanced on the electric grid, having access to broadband is critical. Dan and Emma take listeners to the San Juan Islands in Washington State to learn why installing broadband there was so difficult but so necessary to support residents and strengthen communities.

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About this Podcast:

With all the depressing climate news out there, it’s sometimes hard to see progress. The Climate Conversation cuts through the noise and presents you with relevant climate change solutions happening on the Hill and in communities around the United States.

Twice a month, join Environmental and Energy Study Institute staff members as they interview environmental, energy, and policy experts on practical, on-the-ground work that communities, companies, and governments are doing to address climate change.

Whether you want to learn more about the solutions to climate change, are an expert in environmental issues, or are a policy professional, this podcast is for you.

The Climate Conversation is published as a supplement to our bi-weekly newsletter, Climate Change Solutions.