We are honored to announce that EESI won a 2014 Top-Rated award from GreatNonprofits (the Yelp of nonprofits), for the fourth year in a row! We received this award based on outstanding reviews received from collaborators, stakeholders, volunteers, and donors like you! Thanks to all of our supporters who gave us reviews like this one:


"EESI hosts programs on the Hill that are among the most informative and timely of the many I am privileged to attend in DC. EESI's overall goal is to provide the results of up-to-date, reliable research to legislators, their staffs, and to the general public."

This year, EESI is one of only three environmental nonprofits in Washington, D.C., to qualify for this prestigious Top-Rated ranking. We will be featured in the Great Nonprofits 2014 Holiday Giving Guide and on their 2014 Top-Rated list, which is widely distributed to media outlets and corporate foundations. EESI’s Executive Director, Carol Werner, expressed delight at the designation. "We are extremely proud that our reviewers have said our services are so valuable that we've again been named a Top-Rated nonprofit. Together, we’ll keep advancing clean energy policy solutions no matter which way the political winds blow!" She added, “Thank you so much to everyone who took the time to review us.” If you haven’t already done so, we encourage you to visit and rate us at www.eesi.org/rate, and thank you for your continued support.

Author: Emily Jackson