Jessie Stolark

Jessie was an EESI Policy Associate from August 2018 to March 2019. Jessie led EESI's renewable natural resources work, which covers federal policy development pertaining to the natural resources sector and climate change. This includes climate solutions coming from the agriculture and forestry sector, including low-carbon biobased products, as well as sustainable land management practices that will increase carbon stocks in natural or nature-based systems, while also making them more resilient to climate impacts. As part of EESI’s initiative on Resilient Infrastructure, she had expanded her program to include nature-based infrastructure systems that sustain people and the planet. Additionally, Jessie was the editor for EESI's weekly newsletter, Sustainable Bioenergy, Farms, and Forests (SBFF). Jessie holds a B.A. from Bryn Mawr College in Anthropology and Environmental Science, and an M.S. from the University of Pennsylvania in Applied Geosciences.