A weekly look at sustainable bioenergy, farm, and forest policy issues


March 5, 2012


Clean Energy Standard Would Encourage Increased Biopower, Biogas, and CHP

On March 1, Senator Jeff Bingaman (D-NM) introduced his long-awaited Clean Energy Standard Act of 2012 (S. 2146). The bill would require the largest electric utilities to produce gradually increasing amounts of electricity from low carbon emission and zero carbon emission technologies. The bill would encourage increased power production from biomass, urban and rural waste and residue streams, and combined heat and power (CHP) plants, among other technologies.

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EESI Joins Push for Strong Conservation Title

Strong conservation programs are critical to conserving and restoring soils, water quality, wildlife habitat, biological diversity, and the amount of carbon stored in plants and soils. They are vital to making the production of food, feed, fiber, and biomass for energy more sustainable. At a hearing last week, the Senate Agriculture Committee received a letter signed by 643 organizations calling for a strong conservation title in the next Farm Bill.

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Writer: Ned Stowe




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The Environmental and Energy Study Institute (EESI) is a non-profit organization founded in 1984 by a bipartisan Congressional caucus. EESI is dedicated to finding innovative environmental and energy solutions.