Do you have a donor-advised fund (DAF)? 

Are you looking to help further equitable climate solutions? DAFs can be a great way to advance climate solutions with your philanthropy.

And with the urgency of the climate crisis and the need to ensure the Inflation Reduction Act and Bipartisan Infrastructure Law are fully implemented equitably and effectively, this is a uniquely urgent and important time to give.

The #HalfMYDAF challenge was created to encourage DAF owners like you to grant out half the funds in their DAF—to power the causes you care so much about!

Please consider committing to grant out half of the funds in your DAF by either of two deadlines: June 30 and September 29, 2023. By doing so, you increase the chances of EESI receiving a dollar-for-dollar match of up to $50,000!

To join the 2023 #HalfMyDAF challenge, all you have to do is fill out this form and submit proof of your grant to EESI. (It’s not nearly as long as it looks at first, as many questions are repeated four times, if you are submitting four charities for possible matching funds.) 

Since the #HalfMyDAF challenge began in 2020, it has allowed nonprofits around the nation to create more good in the world through the $33 million+ from DAFs granted out by caring donors like you. Please join the challenge and be an even stronger partner in advancing equitable climate solutions at this time when it is so critical and there is so much opportunity!

STEP 1: Make a gift to EESI from your donor-advised fund. Fidelity Charitable, Schwab Charitable, and BNY Mellon have made it easy through the box on the left! If you have another DAF, contact them directly.

STEP 2: Once you have designated half the funds in your DAF for specific charities, fill out this form to increase the chances of doubling your impact for climate solutions via bonus funds!

Questions? Feedback? Contact Susan Williams at or 202-662-1887. Also, if giving out half the money in your DAF seems daunting, simply increasing the amount from what you have distributed in the past would be so helpful!

As you know, climate change is worsening at an alarmingly quick rate. More resources for mitigation and adaptation right now will be more helpful to addressing climate than gradual efforts spread out over a longer time.

If you don't have a donor-advised fund, you can still advance climate solutions by giving online here!